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August 30, 2011

ART CLUB "Try-Outs" Due: EXTENDED DEADLINE September 16th

Please Create and Turn in the Work Listed Below to Ms. O

1.     The student will draw a landscape with a foreground ground, background and horizon line. (Suggestions: a city, neighborhood, forest, mountain range, valleys, a beach . . .)

2.     The student will draw a still life with at least three objects. Objects must be sitting on a surface, not ‘floating in the air’. (Suggestions: set up a bowl of fruit to draw, draw what is on the coffee table at home, place several cups or jars on a table and draw, make a ‘scene’ with your favorite toys and draw. Pay attention to how objects overlap.)

3.     The student will make an image of their choice. Please avoid already existing cartoon characters like sponge bob. (Suggestions: Make a collage by gluing magazine clippings together, draw a variety of lines, colors and shapes to create an abstract work of art, think about what is most important to you and draw it, make up your own super hero, draw a portrait of yourself or someone close to you)

Materials cannot be provided for these creative works. Images must be drawn on white or vanilla paper. Images can be colored, painted or shaded. Crumpled, torn or notebook paper will not be accepted. These images should best represent the students skills and dedication to the arts. 
Please submit work no later than September 9th. The first art club meeting will be held Thursday, September 15th. Students accepted into art club will receive a permission slip prior to the first meeting.

August 29, 2011

Shape to Form: Grades 4-6

Artists! We are going to be working on Shape to Form for the next few classes. Please check out these websites below to get your artists noodles going! Start thinking 3D!

Cube Design

Making 3D Shapes

Art and Algebra!

Check back soon for a sneak peak about our first big project!

August 25, 2011

Crayola Crayons in the Making

Check out how Crayola makes their crayons in this short video advertisement!

August 23, 2011

Optical Illusion: Color Trick

Check out this awesome little how-to video for a neat color illusion!

Video for Color Wheel Flower College

This video demonstrates how to mix primary colors on the page to make all of the secondary colors from the color wheel.

August 22, 2011

A Quick Sketch: Working in the Art Room


Check out what Westwood artists have been making! This is just a small sample of the creative environment students build when they work together exploring the various processes of art making.

August 15, 2011

First Post

Hello everyone! This is the first post of what will hopefully be an exciting new blog for the students at Westwood Elementary. I will be working with students to showcase work and process, learn new digital media techniques and how to harness the web to communicate with others about their thoughts and inspirations. Here goes!